About Us

Napa Valley Composite Cycling Team is a NICA affiliated, middle and high-school age (6-12 grade) mountain bike team. Whether you are a beginner, or have been racing before, our team would love to have you join us as we compete against highschools from around California.

Contact us
A row of girls on mountain bikes stand beside each other, each wearing their team's uniform and helmet.

Students from ALL Napa Middle & High Schools are welcome to join!
NICA: National Interscolastic Cycling Association logo

But, what the heck is a "Rebob"?

The Rebob is a local "urban legend", this one pertaining to a certain flying monkey of the western Napa Hills, the Rebob. The legend has been around for MANY, MANY, MANY years–tails of Partrick Road and the Flying Monkeys have floated around the valley and WAY beyond—like to TV, the internet and more!

Give it a try, Google "Rebobs"...

Our Team pounced upon the opportunity to have this wondrous animal as our official Team Mascot and spirit animal. We worked with Kelly Doran, the cartoonist for The Napa Valley Register and originator of the logo and asked if he would be open to a team of 6-12 grade Napa Valley Students who rode and raced mountain bikes could update his logo a bit to better suit our sport— he enthusiastically agreed and we were "off to the races"! It's an incredible journey to see folks from far and wide learn about our Team and Valley and we look forward to even more CAWESOMENESS!

NICA Vision

NICA sees a future where every American youth has the opportunity to build strong body, mind and character through interscholastic cycling.

To this end, NICA will continue to work diligently to:

  • Provide comprehensive Coaches Training and Licensing program to establish and maintain national standards and best practices;
  • Promote the sport of mountain biking and the benefits of mountain biking as a healthy, low impact, outdoor recreational lifestyle;
  • Provide national leadership and governance through comprehensive policies, rules and guidelines to establish fair rules of play and codes of conduct;
  • Provide comprehensive Coaches Training and Licensing program to establish and maintain national standards and best practices;
  • Provide comprehensive risk management guidelines for mountain bike programming to establish and maintain national standards and best practices;
  • Provide technical assistance and support for League formation, team formation, races, camps and special events;
  • Provide successful models of League development, sustainable fiscal growth, and corporate and individual donor development;
  • and Advocate for the environmental conservation of natural areas and parklands, mountain bike trail access, and the development of sustainable trail systems.

Proudly Sponsored By

Our team is incredibly thankful for the support of our community sponsors.

Napa Valley Bike Shop logo
IBEW, Electricians of Napa & Solono Counties logo
Valero Benicia Refinery logo
Napa County Bicycle Coalition logo
Skyline Park logo
The Hub Napa logo
Redwood Trails Alliance logo
Bill Dodd logo
Ryan Gregory logo